Winter: superfine wool + alpaca.
Autumn: extrafine merino + linen.
Spring Summer: linen + cotton.
All seasons: baby merino + hemp.
Four lines encompasses all seasons with blankets, bedspreads, cushions, ponchos, scarves and shawls.
C O N S I S T E N C Y. Exclusive noble material and pure yarns, traced and eco-sustainable are selected in the full respect of the animals.
All the products are made in Italy to safeguard the heritage of the ancestry craft skills and their extraordinary potential, and to guarantee a short and low impact production chain. The workshops are fully compliant with taxes and workers' rights laws.
W E L L - B E I N G T O W E A R. Naturally biodegradable and renewable, Merino wool and linen represent the natural choice to respect the planet while wearing a comfortable and luxury fabrics.
A L P A C A. The first sheering of a special breed of alpaca, the Suri, considered sacred by the Inca, of the same genus of Vicuna and Guanaco.
S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y I S I M P O R T A N T F O R U S. With our work we support projects for eco-sustainability in animal welfare. SustainaWOOL integrity Program Pacomarca-Sustainable Alpaca Network.
B E T T E R C O T T O N I N I T I A T I V E (BCI) The main goal of the initiative is to make the worldwide production of cotton a more sustainable process. The key criteria for sustainability which the BCI follow are the use of pesticides, water consumption, soil conservation, socially responsible working conditions and socially fair profitability.
P A S S I O N F O R N A T U R E. For Hütte, the use of BCI certified cottons is a choice which complies with the inherent values of the brand and is a guarantee of respect for the health of the consumer and for the enviromment in which we live.